South East Direct Service Is A Winner For Interior Design Products

High Quality Goods Given Respect That They Deserve

Jascar serves a wide range of clients with interior design sector very strong. Delicate and sometimes over sized needs extra attention that the machine operated network regularly fails where the initial low price ends up being swallowed up by addressing damaged or lost goods.

Jascars relationship with a range of interior design manufacturers and distributors offers assurance and care with shipments so that they arrive on time and intact for onsite project contractors to work with. The premium attached to the South East Direct Service is worth the peace of mind that picking up and delivering directly offers.

One can choose 2 from the following: [Cheap Good, Quick] but will usually lack the other. With Jascar we pride ourselves that our service is Good, Timely and Competitively Priced.

To book your consignment with our dedicated South East Direct please contact Jascar: Tel 01892 750009 email: